It seems like such a contradiction in terms. We all experience loss whether it be a job, a spouse, a parent or a child. What if that loss actually HELPS you define your purpose in life? What if that loss can actually TEACH you how to live life more abundantly–in any area of your life?
One of the most devastating events in a parent’s life is when they hear the diagnosis that their child is going to die. Perhaps even more watching their beloved child suffer with that sentence rips out their guts. My young son Davey diagnosed with a severe seizure disorder that ended up by taking his life at age 13 formed the fabric of my experience for many years. His death and my grief can only be expressed as a life shattering experience.
Like a Christmas ornament dropped from the hands of a child, my life had shattered into a million tiny pieces of glass. As I stared at the tiny glass shards that littered the floor I realized that I would never be able to put my life back together. I picked up a piece at a time to reconnect all the parts of me. Gluing me back together took a long time and I felt broken until I was able to finally do the inner child work that needed to be done to reclaim the many parts of me that I had left behind in order to survive.
Loss can be like that we feel broken and battered by life. It can and will bring up all the losses that we have experienced all over again. It can feel like there is no hope. I am here to share with you the message that it is through our losses that we finally can become the people we were meant to be. Embrace the loss and feel all the emotion that comes with it. Dive into the pain until you come out whole on the other side no longer the ornament shiny and whole but a mosaic of all the broken pieces made whole again but more able to shine and glisten with the hope of the world.
I speak to those who are in transition in life who have lived their lives in obligation and duty and now sense there is more to life. They might not know what it is or how to get there but there is a general malaise that affects their spirit.
I coach people who are committed to changing their lives, they want to achieve more or make a change that will positively impact their lives.